I remember my mom putting her hair back in a bandanna and sweating through the job of picking berries just to give her family a nice desert treat. Now here I am in my early 30s, trying to give my daughter the same memory. I didn't sweat and work nearly as hard as my mom would, I didn't take Lydia to a family berry location and I didn't wear my hair tied back in a bandanna.
BUT, we did get to pick some wonderful strawberries!!! YUMMO! We traveled to a place right outside of our state line and along with Lydia and her 2 year old buddies, we got to see berries ripe and ready to be picked. Lydia was the first to jump in and pick the first berry and put it in her basket, however she decided very soon that she would rather pick the flowers and play with weeds and sticks...then we had a fun 2 year old meltdown and were ready to call it a day! Thankfully, a trip to McDonalds saved the day!!! We will try it again and just maybe.... I will wear a bandanna!