As far as updates, our family of 3 is enjoying each day that comes at us. Josh just had a 2 week Spring Break and returned today. We loved having Daddy home with us for those two weeks. We tried to relax as much as possible and do special things for Lydia. We went to the park, library, shopping, out to eat, and Imagination Station. We also visited with both sets of her grandparents and even got to see some Great-Grandparents.
We have celebrated a lot of birthdays lately- Jameson turned 5, Ally turned 4, Paul turned 1, and Brayden, Zoe, and Reese turned 2. Lydia really got into celebrating with yummy cake and helping her cousins and friends open fun gifts. Her birthday is right around the corner- April 23! Big 2 here we come!!!
Right now Easter has been on the mind. She has visited the Easter Bunny or "Rabbit" as she calls him/her at the Mall. She won't sit in his/her lap but did manage to give them "high five" and "rock." So hopefully the Easter Bunny will still pay us a visit next Sunday. We went to Grandmommie and Graddaddy's town for a Easter Hunt on Sat. and she loved hunting and putting eggs in her basket.
I have gotten to substitute teach a lot at Josh's school in the Elementary part (he is in the Middle School part) since last time I blogged. I have really enjoyed getting back into teaching and seeing what is going on in the classrooms and getting new fresh ideas. Also, I am subbing at our church pre-school too when needed. We are really fortunate that Lydia gets to have time with Nana and Papa while I go out and make some extra money and get to do something I love so much one day a week.
We are looking forward to warmer weather when we can play outside with our friends more at the parks. And of course, we can't wait until pool days and going out without bundling up first!!!
Here are a few snapshots from the past couple of months:
Glad you are back. That Lyd is such a CUTIE! I miss seeing yall. Maybe I can see yall soon!
Lydibug, you are the cutest thing ever!
Zoe and I can't wait to play with you this week. Tell your mommy to only sub one day!!
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